When this allergy problem first started when I ate pecans I would get little red dots in the back of my mouth and ulcers and pressure in my ears? weird. I was diagnosed with allergic asthma but never went to get a food allergy test done because (no insurance) and it was expensive. So I just try to avoid those foods, I just thought since I was feelin good it would b okay. not so.
That heart rate thing you were talkin about is pretty scary. I had an allergic fit to dust mites went to ER, coughing, couldn't breathe, and my heartrate was close to 180 I thought I was gonna die! i'm sure the panic didn't help either.
well im goin on, and on, I need to get off here. Right now I just have bodyaches.
I sure gonna miss some good ol southern pecan pie with rum in it. Delicious. oh well at least I still have Chocolate! Byebye