I knew that some foods allergies tended to be cyclical in nature, but I'm not familiar with your source saying all allergies are the same way changing every 7 years. Could you point me to a site that I could read that at-I'd be very interested-it could explain a lot of things!
What I've actually heard and either experienced myself or had one of my children experience is that the allergy seems to still be there, but the symptoms, or the reactions seem to change.
Example: We owned 2 cats and found out we were allergic to cats. I developed asthma and my daughter just sneezed away and broke out into a rash everywhere, along with any part of the body that the cat came into contact with, her eyes watered and she was just plain miserable.
We haven't had any cats in our house for a number of years now and have replaced furniture since then and carpeting. She no longer has the same reaction to cats since her exposure level went down. Now she is able to pet a cat, but must wash her hands afterwards.
Please check back in and keep me updated!