Posted 11/3/2012 12:21 AM (GMT 0)
Sorry for the long story but I think it's important to tell my whole story so you can make an opinion on my allergies. My story started March 3rd this year,I woke up with a tight chest.The previous weeks everytime I went to bed I'd have a wheezing sound in my chest. I thought it was muscular since I used to weightlift heavily. After a week I went to the doctor and they did EKG , blood work and found nothing. Said it was muscular and sent me home.After a week the tension left but I was dizzy when trying to sleep and I had back pain. Went to another doctor and he said it was muscular gave me drugs and off I went.I also started to get heart burn so I equated it to all the pills I was on. Eventually I got fed up of having muscle pain in my upper right side back and demanded MRI from family doc. Had two done spine/ shoulder plus two more full blood works,negative on all. Eventually I went to an expensive sports doc he found heavy trigger points (knots) so he sent me to massage therapy.Finally relief!! Then the spring/summer heat started and it really went down hill.i woke up with some traces of blood in saliva and felt weird and disoriented. I panicked went to doc where he thought maybe ulcer because of upset stomach ,sent me to get gastroscope,and more blood work.tests came back negative ,pictures inside top notch no problems.Then I started studying myself closer, had weird facial pain/ swelling and sore throat,dry mouth when hot out and especially in bed weird?? Went to doc , said I had a heavy post nasal drip causing sore throat, upset stomack( made sense).Sent me to ENT. She said my nose was swollen closed almost and explained that it never runs because its swollen and drips downward.Dizzyness coming from swollen face/eustachian tubes swollen shut.i couldn't even drink without getting dizzy because the air couldn't get out in tubes . Dry mouth was a sign to go see allergist.Went to one and found out the following : allergic 4/5 to both types dust mite tests,apples,soy,peanuts,hazzlenut ,pollen, birch trees. I asked him why then way back in march did I have tight chest and wheezing? He said three possible outcomes 1: weightlifting supplement shakes contain soy so bad reaction 2: dust mites in bed3: muscular or all the above. My questions to all fellow allergy suffers is : can dustmites really cause that much facial pain/ swelling ?? Sometimes I'd wake up and felt like my face was in spasm?? Only on hot days mostly. Also can those food allergy cause muscle tension? Which is why I have lots of knots?? And according to doctor if my histamine levels are high because of dust mites, an abnormal high pollen summer, it's no wonder the slightest thing brings my body over the top? And lastly do dustmites cause eye sensativity or is it just the face swelling that causes this?? And why all this year at 36 yrs old?? I only had pollen allergies all my life why all this now? Thanks for any help I'm confused that allergies can do all this