Hmm... I don't think I've been tested for a Vitamin D deficiency before. I will look into that. Also I don't believe I've ever been checked for fungal problems related to my breathing; I know I have had thrust before when they put me on too many antibiotics in the past, but that did go away.
I have been to an ENT when I had a terbanite reduction done for my sinus cavities which helped me breath a little easier through my nose. I asked him all the same stuff with my yellow phlegm, breathing issues etc and he said he didn't see any sinus infections and that it sounded more like it was coming from my lungs. So then he had me go back and see the pulm specialist which then said he heard nothing from my lungs. ~_~ ugh.
Thanks again for all the tips everyone, and I'm sorry to hear that about your son Mommylife I know it sucks.