rainbowpromise said...
Hi everyone. I'm new here and just looking for a place to share my struggles. I have lived with my allergies for more than 50 years with my first severe reaction at age 4.
I carry an epi-pen for nut allergies, but have thankfully never had to use it.
When I was in my 30's an allergy to bananas began to emerge. At first only when I ate a banana. Now, 20 years later, I just have to cross contaminate with bananas and end up with hives. I take Benadryl to ease the symptoms.
I also have an allergy to anything fermented. Vomiting when I smell alcohol and some vinegars. Rash when I ingest too many vinegar products. When in contact with alcoholics I begin to show symptoms of a more serious nature. I do not drink alcohol, but my husband has the occasional drink without a problem.
My final allergy is to an ingredient found in baby oil. Probably just the mineral oil. I avoid skin creams, read ingredients on shampoos, and don't get bandages after surgery.
That's it for me, but I also have experience with family members with multiple food allergies and sensitivities, seasonal allergies, and even one with a metal allergy.
I would suggest that you make use of toxic free products to prevent allergic reaction. Avoid also dusty and crowded places and make sure that your surrounding is free from contaminants.