Welcome to the forum Taygeta.
What an experience! It was great you got such good care. Your regular doctor did a good job too.
I don't have this reaction, but there are loads of threads on the forum about
NSAIDs. Just put the words you want in the search box at the top of the page and you'll be reading for hours.
Allergies can crop up new at any time. I had a reaction suddenly, like you did, from Albuterol, after taking it previously.
I suggest you look up this allergy because there are a number of foods you'll need to avoid at least while you investigate your new allergy. This link is a general descript
ion of part of the NSAID reaction.
/www.allergyuk.org/drug-allergy/aspirin-intolerance-and-salicylatesSince you have to get informed about
foods containing salicylates or other components of NSAIDs and identify which ones might give you symptoms, start keeping a food diary/log/journal. You need to keep a record of everything you eat and drink, any medicines you take, the date, time and what the reaction is and how long after you consumed the allergen you started to have symptoms. There are many threads on this. Just put food journal in the search box.
Best wishes.