Sulfa drugs, pizza and wine give you a possible clue, but it's still not a for-sure cause or your allergy.
Yogurt can have sulfite too.
It can be in meds.
Lotions and detergents can be a problem.
What was the "veggie/fruit?" Some sort of drink? Have fresh stuff only!
Vinegar has sulfite, except rice vinegar.
Who knows what's in probiotics.
Biotin is sulfite, so skip a daily vitamin for a while.
Tagamet - cimetadine - has a sulfur, but I don't know if it comes off during digestion. The liquid has a lot of junk. Tablets have starch.
Hydroxichoriquine is a sulfate, not a sulfite, so shouldn't be a problem for that, but it is known to cause hives.
Stay away from all the current fad treatments for now. They're not regulated and contain who-knows-what.
Benadryl liquid has sulfite, but tablets should be clean.
Look up EVERYTHING! might have some tips. Housemouse had serious skin allergy to sulfites.