Hey All..
So I'm in desperate need of advice! So today is day 40 of everyday itchy hives, but they look weird.. Some of the hives look like normal hives and some look like scratches.. I've gone to the doctor and gotten prescribed steroids which made me black out.. yikes then went to an Allergist and had a food panel done.. which the results were insane I'm allergic to EVERYTHING!!! then I had an environmental panel done and the test was insane too. Looks like I belong in a Bubble, like bubble boy! yikes.. So trying to eliminate these foods would be impossible since my body freaks out to everything.. My blood work came back saying no Immune problems but I just don't get these hives.. when I take out all the foods and try my hardest to not eat triggered foods I still get hives... and they are unbearable.. I'm tearing my skin apart.. My allergist wants me to take a shot once and week for years and now a foam pump under my tonged that isn't even FDA approved.. I hate taking meds let alone things I have no clue what its really doing to my body!! part of me feels like its something else so I've been googling and I'm getting so frustrated... after reading some of peoples post's of course I know I'm not alone.. but I just have a feeling something else is going on other then food allergies... all my blood test from allergist is all negative.. I keep thinking what if its a bacterial infection? what if its a rare skin disease ... I'm sorry for jumping all over the place.. I just feel so alone!! I went to an allergy run/ awareness and omg that was a big waste of time.. there was about
15-20 people there everyone I talked to they just kept pawning me off to other person.. arrgg My allergist has no clue what's going on!!! I'm sorry for rambling.. I just need some input from people have the same battles, same questions..
would love your advice, support, ideas, thoughts
Sincerely ~Bubble Girl~