Just thought I'd put a post on here. I have an appointment at the Doctor's for this Thursday.
I have basically spent the last 10 years or so pretty much feeling like I had a cold all the time! The main thing is a really runny nose, that requires blowing every minute or so at least. Quite a lot of sneezing. That's about it.
I need to take 2 chlorphenamine tablets a day to keep it manageable. But, I don't like the idea of doing this for the rest of my life (I'm 34).
I thought that I might be lactose intolerant, so about a month ago I dropped milk and went over to soya (and dropped chocolate, custard, milkshake, pretty much everything nice!). I did see an instant improvement, but it seems to have got a bit worse and nearly back to normal all of a sudden. I certainly don't want to give all of these nice things up if I don't need to!
So, I have an appointment to talk about what I can do. I am hoping that the doctor will be able to refer me to someone who can test me, to see what I am allergic to. Is this something that anyone else has been through or am I expecting too much from the doctor?
Also, does anyone have an idea as to whether LONG TERM use of chlorphenamine tablets (like I say, about 2 a day EVERY day), is dangerous. If it isn't, I suppose I can just carry on overdosing on those to make life bearable!
Anyway, thanks for reading my little tale.
Any advise will be much appreciated.