I've had the same problem for the last 2 years, but I keep getting sinus infections. March 2007, the doctor put tubes in my ears. I still have a hole in my ear drum and drainage. I went for another allergy test and tested positive for grass, mold, weeds, ragweed, dust. I can get allergy shots, but after my test my fibro acted up and I was in bed for 10 days. My PCP said I could try the shots, but my fibro may act up again. So, I do not want to take a chance and have another fibro attack. The ENT doctor is going to drain my sinuses tomorrow and look for polyps. After reading other posts it seems like a lot of other people have the same problem. Could it be because we rest in bed a lot and maybe on that side? I'll have to ask the doctor. Please go see an ENT doctor, before an infection starts.
Take care,