I am new to the board and as I have read through them, I think I belong to each board. I have demographic skin also called skin writing. I have chronic hives and allergies also I am allergic to myself. I rubbed my eye a minute ago and now my eye the is totally swollen. Is chronic urticaria the same as demographism? I have COPD and the Pulmanary Dr. get angry with me because I can not use any of the inhalers or breathing treatments without causing my chest to hurt and getting upper respirtory infections. I have burning sensations under my skin all the time. It scares me about the alburteral being banned, it is the least one that causes me problems, but even that burns my chest. My lung functions are severe but I am allergic to so many things that the dr's don't know what to do. I am so scared of meds because I have had so many reactions that when the dr. mentions something else. I PANIC..... Does this sound like what others of you have?
I also have discoloration to my skin. I have a malar rash, my ANA is positive and elevated plus my CRP has been elevated. The rumy Dr. says that I do not have lupus but that I have fibro. Does anyone else have discoloration of your skin also? Mine is the palms of my hands, my face, neck and my breast. Does anyone else have these things.
I also have tachdycardia which is set off by the inhalers and breathing treatments also.
Thank you for your help/pp