for the past 2 months, I have had Hives everyday with wheals that last for 24 hours. Although, one day I did notice that they were disapperaing during the day, but the next day, the hives stayed put all day.
So what happened?
It took me 5 days to make the connection. I was taking tylenol for my headaches and it also suppressed my hives. I know it sounds strange, but I kept taking tylenol and I have fewer hives. When I don't take tylenol, my hives will remain.
Has this happened to anyone or has anyone ever heard of this happening before? Has tylenol suppressed hives symptoms before?
My doctor told me that she never heard of anything like this happening before.
I should also note that I'm taking 300mg of zantac, 30mg of allegra, 30mg of hydroxizine (sp?), and 15mg of prednisone per day.