Hi Sherry and thanks for the welcome. When I eat any form or poultry I get an itchie rash, as well as having my throat fill with a thick mucus and it's hard for me to breath. The same is true for eggs. If I touch uncooked poultry or eggs of any kind then my hands get itchie and swell up. I get a similar reaction with dairy products, but also have terrible stomach cramps. With my egg allergy, it makes my asthma kick up if I even smell them cooking.
My allergies were discovered when I was very young. It was always hard not being able to eat my own birthday cake as a child, and some of my friend's parents use to think I was just being a pickie eater. Thank goodness, people are a little more aware these days. It does irritate me though when some manufactures put chicken broth in things like frozen veggies. I mean does a veggie medley really need chicken broth in them?! On a positive note, I am happy that some restaurants are starting to list ingredients either on their web sites or in the actual restaurant. I am not sure if Uno's is a national restaurant or just in my part of the country, but they have an awesome computer like machine in the front of their waiting area that list food allergens in their foods and also gives food suggestions if you do have food allergies.
I think breakfast is the hardest meal for me, and forget eatting breakfast out. Just walking into an IHOP is an attacking waiting to happen.