it has been nearly two weeks now since i nearly died from an asthma attack, what most people see of asthma is that it isnt a big deal take a puff of your inhaler and you will be ok. but that is comlealty wrong, alot of people in the have asthma, includeing myself, i am 17 years of age i have been rushed in to hospital many occasions on blue light ambulance care.
this attack i had about two weeks ago, i felt i woke up chesty, but still had to go college, i managed to make it home where i found to be taking 15/20 puffs of ventolin (blue inhaler) every 10 mins. it got so bad i 999 was needed, they came and rushed me with a nebuliser but as usally people respond to this i didnt i was rusehed to the ambulace out side my house where i was boiling up and drifting in and out of concesusnous. the emgency care practioner who was in the rapid response car travelled in the ambulance with me with the rapid response escorting the ambulance to the hospital. i was addmistrated with numerous drugs but was not responding to them i had 7 canulars in me each pumpin drugs into me to see if i wud come round, the high dependy unit wa called ready to incubate me because i was nearly dieing, i felt like i was dieing i had no stregth and just wanted to give up fighten to breath .
i then cant rember anything after this point only what people have told me, i was fighting to stay alive, i couldnt not breath at all then a mirical drug amonofflin drip was emegency pupmed into my system and then great relife it was i managed to breath for my self, i was then taken to the ward a hour later in the high dependy unit at warrington hospital childrens ward but if i had gone to a different hospital i would of been put in HDU in adult section.
i was in HDU for a whole week then later discharged, but what the doctors dont realise is that i nearly died, and it shocked the whole of my familly.
my familly dont know this but if i had the same occurance again which will happen the consultants said is that may be next time i wont respond to the amonofilin so its dangerouse because then i will have to be incubated.
my familly dont know that i have been writing a letter in my laptop just incase i do die, because i wouldnt want people to not know how i felt i would want my parents and familly to be happy that i have died... but nots let go onto that i havnt discused this letter with nobody because it would up set them to much to even apprach them about it.
thank you for listening and i would like any 1 who has had the same experiance to contact me to express how they felt please