Hi Razzle,
Thank you for your reply.
If I avoid all the foods these 3 allergy food test show that I'm allergic to there will be no foods left for me to eat.
I guess I could eat lettuce since that's not listed on any of the test.
According to all 3 test it shows I'm allergic to all meats & seafood(chicken, beef, pork & fish). Surely this isn't accurate!
These test are not free! They cost alot of money. Even tho my ins. covers most the cost I still have to pay a certain percentage (co-pay) of the bill. I would think that one could trust these allergy test, but this is not the case as far as I'm concern.
All 3 test are not accuate in my eyes being they all contradict each other.
I have the same symptoms as you described about your husband.
My throat feels as if it is closing up (swelling) and I have a hard time breathing everytime I eat anything at all. When I wake up everyday I do not have any of these symptoms til I eat something. I eat something and the symptoms are right back.
I'm so tired of this and I'd hope that by having this food allergy testing done and avoiding foods that I'm allergic too would help. But like I said, I'm allergic to everything according to these 3 food allergy test.
Sorry I'm rambling on and may not be making alot of since here, but I'm upset and bent out of shape about the whole ordeal. I weak and losing weight beccause I'm scared to eat anything!
Thanks for listening,
Razzle said...
This is because the test serums are not standardized. Different doctors use different dilutions, which can have an impact on results. Also, reactivity varies from day to day (my Husband notices this with his food allergies since he has so many food allergies and he has to eat something - some days he gets no symptoms, other days he has mild swelling in his mouth & esophagus from the same food that causes no problems other days).
The best way to figure this all out is to do an elimination diet - avoid all foods that have ever turned up positive on any test for a period of 2-3 weeks. Then add back one food at a time. Watch for symptoms disappearing during the avoidance period that return when you challenge the food again, and watch for new symptoms. If you experience a symptom upon re-introduction of a food, avoid it again for 2 weeks and try it again to see if the pattern repeats. This takes a lot of patience, but is really the only way to figure out which foods you really do need to avoid.
Also, an IgG blood test for delayed food allergies may give you more information. Some of my worst offender (most serious reactions) foods show up on IgG tests and not on IgE tests or skin prick tests.
I hope this helps,