Have you ever just realized a possible answer to something - you know one of those lightbulb moments that go off in your head? Well,this is what happened. I like it very cool in my room at night so I always sleep with a fan on. I also have a celing fan. Heaven only knows when that ceiling fan was last cleaned. But I took a look at the portable fan on my table and you know how they have the spokes and little places in back? Well, this fan is so loaded with dust and dirt I couldn't believe it. I am beginning to think that here I have been using this fan every night blowing on me with all this dust in it that is blowing straight into my face. I am very allergic to dust and mold and I think maybe this dirty fan is what may be adding to my breathing problems. I don't know why it never occured to me before. Do you think it is possible that the fan has been blowing on me and causing my wheezing? Would love to hear from anyone and see what you think.