Hello everybody, and thank you for taking a look at my post. I am a 20 year old male. about 5 days ago, My skin started to feel itchy. It flares up periodically throughout the entire day, and only in certain spots at once. its not everywhere all at once though. Now, the rash doesnt appear until after I rub or itch the area. I can scratch it like once it the area turns red and welts or hives appear. The area continues to itch, and feel hot for another 10-20 minutes before the redness and swelling subside. The areas that frequently itch the most are my neck, jawline, around the eyes, armpits, palms of the hands, area around nipples, groin, genitals, waistline, and buttocks. However hives do not appear on actual genitals. If anybody has an idea of what it could be, or some things that I could try to relieve it please let me know. Thanks very much.