Hello there
I have suffered from OAS since I was a small child it all started with raw apples and raw carrots...my mother thought I was out of my mind telling her my tongue lips and gums got itchy etc. Now a days if I eat something that I have reactions to my throat closes up and it is only if the food is raw or not cooked to where it can be smushed with a spoon
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oral_allergy_syndrome I am unable to have apples, peaches, plums, nectarines, pistachios, cashews(when I was 5 I got hives eating these then in 2006 was newly found to be allergic to peanuts), kiwi, strawberries, cantelope, carrots, celery, peas, green beans, cherries, Blackberries and blueberries...There may be more I am forgetting any tips besides avoidance?