Hello all, I have just recently started posting on the RA forum, but since the asthma kicked up, I thought I would seek some help from all of you. I have had the cough for about
5 days, fever for 2 days, so decided to see the PCP since my immune system in compromised (I am still on 25 mg/day of Prednisone and tapering). While I love my PCP,she said, "Your asthma should not be a problem now while you are on Prednisone". Well, sorry, doc, but it is! She said I sounded "tight" but clear (this while I could not stop coughing while she was trying to listen to my lungs). I did get her to prescribe a neb machine for me (which I had rented previously during a bout of bronchitis last November).
So I had a treatment last night about 8 p.m. and it stopped the coughing for an hour or so. I then coughed most of the night. Cough/pee, get up and change, cough/pee, get up and change. This about every 1/2 hour or so. Finally tried the albuterol inhaler about 4 a.m. and slept 1 1/2 hours. So I have been exhausted all day (on top of the extreme fatigue I already have with whatever auto-immune problem my body is dealing with too).
So today I have tried:
1. A neb treatment at 4 p.m. Could hardly do it around the coughing. Stopped the cough for an hour, then the shower routine stopped it again for another hour.
2. using the shower to steam up the bathroom (this works, but I cant sit on the toilet all day/night). I did this about 4-5 times today and it helps.
3. Use my humifier tonight in the bedroom.
4. Sipping hot drink-did not seem to help.
5. Cough medicince with Codeine (from November). May have helped a little.
6. Maybe elevate the head of my bed tonight?
Any other ideas? I think it all started when I was exposed the the grandsons last week and they have been sick with a virus. So I know a virus is probably aggravating my lungs. I just wish something would control the cough.
I know the cough is probably a forced exhalation from the asthma, but I dont seem to be getting the relief that I should be with the neb treatments (maybe I am???).
I have some Mucinex but not sure if that is going to make things worse or better now.
Thanks for any suggestions. The chest muscles are getting pretty sore.