I have had asthma since I was a baby and im basicly alergic to almost everything including meds but specially antibiotics.
For about a week now, I have expirienced runny noise having to blow my nose contantly but specially in the morning.
I have had asthma, wheezing, shortness of breath, sometimes i have to use aerosol nubalizer more often then every 4 hours.
Migraines mix with the asthma and if, I cough the pain is worse. At times I have to run to the aerosol machine because I cant
breath. The lowest my peak flow has been is a few lines under 150.
Im confused on this one and un sure of what to do. Im afraid to go to the er. Beacause everytime they give me prednisone my
sugar levels go way high as I am diabetic it makes it worse. I end up having to be admitted.
Any suggestions?