After suffering for 20 years, I know how to live HIVE FREE!
I had debilitating hives for many years. Without going through too much detail, I saw 6 different doctors, from allergists to dermatologists to rheumatologists. Nobody could find the cause.
This is because (at the time-not sure if this is still true) allergists don't test you for artificial colors, artificial flavors, and artificial preservatives. Nor do they test you for problems with pesticides and sulfites that are put on your fresh produce.
I started eating healthier several years ago and noticed that my hives didn't bother me as much. After much trial and error, I now know that if i eat organic, all-natural food, and completely avoid processed food, I can live HIVE-FREE!!!
Please, please try it. My scars from all the scratching are healing. I'm a different person.
I'm now the "litmus test" for artificial "unnatural" foods. Whenever I eat something unnatural, I break out. Otherwise I'm healthy. Good luck to all.