Yesterday I went to the dentist because I had the worst pain of my life going on on a molar that had been root canalled and crowned a few years back,it hurt so bad I wanted them to yank it out of my mouth..They xrayed the mouth and saw nothing wrong with my teeth so as all week I have been having sinus problems they diagnosed me with of yesterday afternoon I have been taking penicillin every 6 hours and I was given motrin 800's, pain is still so intense..a friend advised that claritin d worked good, I went and purchased a box and that didn't help..The pain is the worst pain I ever had in my life! Worse than child birth!! Its still so bad and I wonder why does it hurt so intensely bad? I am experiencing soreness on the right side of my face, like someone punched me on my cheek.. The top molars, mainly the root canalled tooth is excrutiating, right half of the roof of my mouth throbbing and sore, it won't give the pain will not stop and its so intense..please advise??