Med Help has posted a really good new overview of gluten and wheat intolerance, allergy, celiac, symptoms and a home test to tell if you have it. Instead of just following the current fad, it's wise to find out if you really have a problem before avoiding all gluten.
For the most part I thought the column explained the foods, even in your lipstick, right on the mark. My first criticism is that the author did not list food material containing gluten other than varieties of wheat and oatmeal. You'll have to look them up because there are lots! You can have symptoms from shampoo, soap and skin lotions too, to name just a few more sources you'll have to give up during your testing because they can affect your results.
My second criticism is when it came to testing yourself. I agree with going off everything that has a trace of gluten for 3 weeks. But then I would first add non-wheat sources of gluten (oatmeal and others you can look up, but were not discussed in the article). Adding wheat first does not prove gluten intolerance, only wheat intolerance.
I appreciated that if you have a true allergy you should not be doing this testing without an allergist's supervision. I would also add that keeping a really good journal detailing all foods, drinks, lotions and other products can be critical.
The author is a registered dietitian and I'm only a former biologist.