I made some homemade chicken soup yesterdaay. I have OAS and have found with me I know how cooked the veggie ro fruit has to be so I do not have a reaction. When I react not only do I get the itching and swelling my asthma so pleasantly joins in. I had found in the past even cuttig up celery caused me issues but I cut it up Fri evening as well as the carrots and I made them very small to ensure they cooked well.
Not too long after finishing about 1 cup of my soup (which I ahd some sourdough bread along with even though I have mold allergies and lactose intol this bread doesnt bother me). The reaction began with my upper lip (on the outsidr) being itchy but no hives, and that happens to me when my kids eat peanuts (my 1 true food allergy and they hadnt had any) so not long after dinner the wheezing began. I used my inhaler then took a benadryl when my ears began to get extremely itchy as well. It eventually calmed down (these are the steps I take when I find a new food that affects the OAS).
I dont know why a cooked food (it was in the slow cooker for 7 hours and was so well cooked it literally melted in your mouth) would bother me so unless I may have yet another true food allergy?