diamondannie, I'm sorry you're not feeling well. I don't believe being caught in the rain, per se, makes a person sick, but the weather conditions during a rainstorm may make you feel sick. Check out this website about
weather related illness.
http://www.ehow.com/about_5390019_sudden-change-weather-cause-sickness.html One thing you need to watch for is the color of your mucus. If you're blowing your nose and the mucus is yellow or green, it may be a bacterial infection. It's possible to ride this out if it's not very severe; otherwise, you'd see a doctor and you might be prescribed antibiotics. If your mucus is clear, it's probably viral as Razzle says and you'd treat the symptoms to make you feel comfortable. Or, it's just your body's reaction to allergens or changes in the barometer, etc. which is not a serious illness. You'd just want to treat the symptoms for your own comfort.