Alcie said...
Hi "gals" and welcome to the forum! Interesting allergy.
1. Does everyone with this allergy get anaphylactic symptoms, or is there a less severe "intolerance" reaction in some people?
2. Is there always a tick involved, or is it possible to have this without it, or maybe just not knowing there was a tick bite
You might try lactose-free milk if you are having trouble with milk and cheese, just to see if it's the milk sugar also. Lactose is a galactose plus a glucose. Alpha-gal is 2 galactoses.
Please note there is a DIFFERENCE between intolerance and allergic reactions. In my medical training it has been declared the following is Allergic Reactions: Anaphylactic symptoms such as swelling of airway, Hives, Itchy Rash
Intolerance: Stomach discomforts, Bowel Issues, Cramps, Upset Stomach, Gas, So On, Bloating
Allergic Reactions: Needs Medical Treatment (Medications, OTC medications, Pharmacist, Doctor)
Intolerance's: Unfortunately, just dealing with it
my ears get real hot and red - allergic to something attacking the ears
As far as anaphylatic, I have never had to use MY epie pen I have alway's been able to get to the ER - If your airway is closing you are having a SEVERE allergic reaction and use your epi then go to the ER. Why gamble with your life? I did that once with my asthma, and found out if I had came in 30 minutes later I would of died because of how severe my lack of oxygen was. Here's a kicker - I am a Respite Caregiver - yea, I have medical training. I went in to the ER, because my inhaler was not being responsive, and by the time I got there I was repeatedly losing consciousness for brief periods. I knew I was going to go unconscious again, and it wasn't going to be good when I got into the ER. I looked frantically around as no one was at the reception desk, a guy in scrubs walked past me, but saw my frantic behaviour
and asked if I needed help. I couldn't speak, as you can't in an asthmatic attack, so I handed him my inhaler because I medically knew there are only two diseases for the medication and treatment is the same. I went unconscious immediately after handing the guy my inhaler. Next I knew I was in a whealchair wearing oxygen, having a full vital work up waking to smelling salts. Still in the waiting room, as you never move a critical patient til they are stabilized. When I stabilized they whisked me around the corner, into the critical wing. Respiratory team was already there for me, and because of my training I knew where they come from - it takes 5 minutes. That is long enough for brain damage to set in, and it did. After finding out I was barely saved I decided to take my asthma seriously and take control of it. I don't want to die whilst being an idiot. I have brain damage because of my idiotic ways, I now need extra oxygen than what is normal during asthmatic attacks, when I am ill, and I can no longer run. I can't get to my patient in time if they code on me to do cpr... I have to walk so I don't set into an instant attack. I have to make sure I stay within feet of them now so I can do my job if anything goes wrong. Now after you hearing my story, what is it your going to do? Continue to not listen to your body? Risk your life? Whatever it is, please do not be totally moronic as I was. It was pretty stupid of me, and now I suffer for a lifetime.
bad ugga's - intolerance
my whole skin on all of my body was one large hive - allergic reaction