having a true allergy to sulfites for the last 4 years and 8 anaphylactic shocks later i found a simple method that works aming and i no longer have anaphylactic shocks,and very little side affects from ingesting sulfites at an occasional meal. i suspected that my body was not making enough sulfATES to attach to sulfITES.. BODY NEEDS SULFATE TO DEAL WITH SULFITES. I JST LEARNED THIS LAST MONTH AND PUT IT TO THE TEST. to supply the body with sulfates i sit in a bath of warm water for 20 minutes almost everyday. on the first day i use only one tabklespoon and i increas one tablespoon or so with each bath.,if there are any ill side affects like night sweats,or nightmares you done to much at once .one month later into doing this.im up to 3/4 of a cup,and my resistance to sulfites is amazing.. its nearly gone and i havent even made it to the full dosage of 2 cups which should take aboout 6-8 weeks. its changed my life,and already many other food sensitivities have dimidhed or disappeared completely.. keep in mind all the anaphylactic shocks i had just in the last year was 4. . it inspied my blog and i hope it helpful to many of you with sulfite issues.. ps all people of the lables have sulafte deficiency., ADD,ADHD,CHEMICAL IMBALANCE.autisim .. so if you have a lable on you ,u can bet you willl be sulfate deficient,. dont mean you have to have a lable to have sulfite allergy,. but the labled people all have sulafte issues and the inability to detox sulfite properly. espom salts treatment is on my blog, its changed my life i hope it to help others as well.
www.mikemacaluso.com gd luck