Hi everyone,
eight years ago shortly after having my second child i became ill....felt like i needed sugar all the time as everytime i ate i started shaking and getting horrendous hunger pains within the hour like i hadn't eaten at all...this was also combined with ringing in the ears, sinus problems, constant upset stomachs/excess wind, jumping awake whilst trying to sleep, hair falling out, mental confusion, forgetfullness, eyebrows falling out, racing heart and emotional issues which is not like me at all.
Ive been tested for thyroid, diabetes, ive had extended glucose tests (where apparently i went down slightly low but not low enough to be a concern) my endocrinologist has tested me for lots of things and he's now edging on it being an allergy.
I can't tolerate red wine at all now which i used to be able to drink by the bucket load, wine, vodka and any other alcohol sends my sugar levels crazy (they're going low shortly after eating) and i've noticed i'm not great with too much sugar as soon as the sugar level issue starts so does the diorrhea!
I've always thought my issues were purely a sugar level thing but now after reading so much on sulphite/sulphate allergies (i have no idea of the difference between the two) that this may be the issue seeing as the docs can't find anything sugar level related.
I would really appreciate any help i know i can't tolerate carbs in abundance but im not really sure where to start with how to cook avoiding these nasties! has anyone heard of any books that give advice/recipes? This week i'm also going to change my shampoo, facewash and shower gel....
any help greatly appreciated..
oh and in the uk does anyone know how i would get an allergy test for this as i feel its a battle with doctors sometimes to get anything tested as they don't want to pay for it!!