Hi all Im new to this site,since August I have had a bunch of I call them silly stuff hapen to me, UTI ,infection , tooth infection , some infection in my Intestine
then a yeast, so I was on a lot of meds,
Next thing startd with this scalp palque 3 Dr.'s say its psoriasis , Gave me all kinds of oil, and lotons , shampoos,Im all most clear of that , scalp still get;s flare ups. Now I have it all over my upper and lower body, looks like little pimples , some the size a dime very itchy. I take Zyretec , but for a few days now I took benadryl and that seems to help . Next week I start lazer on my scalp for this condition,
I have tried everything over the counter , under the counter, hopefully good old BEDADRYL is the cure I live in South Florida, .