Hi everyone,
I am usually in the Crohn's forum. But I have lots of allergies. The environmental ones that reacted during the skin test include grass, dust mites, mold, dog dander, cat dander, rodent, ragweed. I also had food allergy testing for banana, avocado, and others, and also for latex. These came back negative. The thing that puzzles me is that whenever I eat a banana I can't breathe, and I always break out into a rash when I come into contact with latex. I was also tested for morphine, PCN, and bactrim allergy which all have caused me breathing difficulties and hives, itching. These were negative also.
I was on prednisone when I got the test done. Do you think this could have caused a false negative? I was also on trazodone, which apparently was on the no no list and I totally missed it! They considered them valid results since I reacted to all the environmental allergies in the same testing day. But, I am thinking that maybe I am just SUPER allergic to those, so they showed up anyway, and the food and medication ones are more mild so they didn't show up. Also the technician said that my control was kind of weak.
What to you all think?