I also want to welcome you to HealingWell. You are in the right place also. I didn't know until just now whether Macrip3 was male or female. I am worried about him as well. I have emailed him about getting another job. I have also emailed him about seeing an allergist instead of just a regular doctor because I am afraid he is going to have a bad asthma attack at work. If it helps you to know, I have told him that because of the ADA, American Disability Act, they can't make him do work he is not able to do, but he has to have something written from a doctor. I suggested he see an allergist and have his limitations written out. I'm sure he has to have his insurance. You might talk to him about the FMLA, the Family Medical Leave Act. Of course, it has to be approved by the employer. It is time taken off without pay, but you still have your job. You can take as much as six months off or you can take a couple of months. When I was still working and having so much trouble with asthma, I asked for mine to be six months intermittent, which of course, I never used the six months. I was granted this three years in a row. He might ask for less, maybe three months intermittent. Paper work will have to be filled out by the allergist. In the mean time, he does need to look for a different job.
He is very lucky to have you to care so much about him and of course, you certainly have an understanding of asthma. You know that asthma can kill. Again, I am worried about him too.
Take care!
P.S. My internet service was down yesterday or I would have answered you sooner.