He has been diagnosed..however, without an autopsy or brain biopsy, it's really not possible to differentiate the various forms of dementia. Bob also has myasthenia gravis, and has an excellent neurologist, who, because he really likes Bob, is following the progress of this other disease as well. It was the neurologist who originally thought this is Pick's disease, because of the rapid progress of the disease and also because the MRI showed damage in the frontal lobe. The psychiatrist didn't agree at first, but now she also thinks it is probably Picks...Bob also has auditory hallucinations that are not as commonly associated with Alzheimer's. We are also waiting to see if Bob will be accepted in a study that will trial a med and also include PET scans.
However, that is neither here nor there..I am interested in finding some help before I am in the same boat as he is...<G> If there is a website that clearly explains Medicare benefits or other resources available, I would appreciate knowing about it. nanners