I am new to this forum. I am 62 years old, Mom of two adult sons, married to same guy for 42 years. My overall health right now is probably fai.
Here is my scary problem: For probably 2 years my short term memory has been lousey, but it growing much worse. Some examples: was religously for 2 months this Fall doing a mood chart and journal daily Then, it just disappeared from my mind and about 2 weeks ago came across it on the computer and it was like "wow...I was doing that." Right now my family and I are in constant battles of "I told you that" and me saying "you did not.". Another problem I am a marriage counselor, and just recently started taking notes in sessions, because the second the couple left my office, I would forget what we talked about. Problem with the note taking...I write down something that makes sense to me at the time, but when I go over the notes, I often don't understand what I wrote down. Haven't had this particular problem for probably for two months, but when I did the laundry, I couldn't figure out, let's say how to hang a pair a pants on a hanger...I had the pants in one hand and hanger in the other...I knew I wanted the pants on the hanger, but I could not figure out how to get them on the hanger....took me 15 minutes to figure it out. Recently one of the most embarrassing things that happened at work is I thought I had a new client waiting in the waiting room and had left all the paperwork to fill out while I finished with the client I was currently with. So my client is done, I walk into the waiting room to introduce myself, take one look at the couple and I siad" whoops, you guys have been here before, huh?" (I knew the women looked very familiar), so we go get settled, I try too look in my appointment book to see their names and what I had written made no sense. So, I had to ask them their names...found their file and they had been in my office the two previous weeks (so this is number 3 visit. Oh, well....could go on forever with examples.
So my Dad died of AZ at 82 yrs old. He had a sister who died of it ,too. My mom is 93 and she is still sharp. I am Bi=Polar (manic depression), and
I tend to stay on the depressed side. I take about 4 different drugs...but I have taken them for 15 years and they never have bothered me before
My husband says I can't risk going to the doc & get a AZ diagnosis because I will mess up our health insurance big time. I know you all are not doctors but I would appreciate some feedback. Yhanks