My mother like her mother.....has azheimers disease. She took care of her mother herself until physically she could not anymore. She chose a nursing home within waliking distance to her own home and was there everyday. My mother protected and insured that her own mother was not mistreated or neglected like so many other patients.
For this a family, we have vowed to never put my mother in any type of facilty and take care of her ourselves with the nurses coming by periodically to assist. She lives with my father who is a home attached to my oldest brothers home.....two complete homes with an interior connection.
Idon't know how to explain exactly what stage my mother is at in this disease.....some days are better than others......I can tell you that all of her hygene is our responsibility now and has been for quite sometime.
I am my mothers only daughter.....I am here.....I am here for support I guess....I love my mother very much......and sometimes this is so hard....and all the time my heart is breaking.