Thanks Lyn!!! Thanks Judy!!!
We'll have to have our tea party on the other side, after we meet Jesus!! That will be some great tea party!! I really do intend to look you up!!
Meth is going well. Took my second dose last night . . . had weird dreams again but woke up feeling ok . . . onward and updward!!!
Dad continues to get worse . . . but he keeps showing me a picture of myself and saying "that lady hasn't come here for a very long time . . . I'd like to see her" I tell him that its me . . . but, he doesn't understand. LOL, he calls me as soon as I get home and asks when I might come and see him!!! He's so darned cute!!
Yesterday a brother came over and cut the grass for mom and dad . . . all dad could do is go in and out of the house making sure all was going well and making sure "that man" didn't steal the lawn-mower!! Poor Dad!