I just had to reach out to you today and let you know you are not alone. I've been lurking out there for a while, but your story got to me. When my AD mom moved in with us three years ago I also felt helpless. By calling the local Alzheimer's chapter I was put in contact with many wonderful resources, especially a local Adult Day Care Center which has proven to be a Godsend. Even though you live in a small community the closest chapter should be able to give you some suggestions over the phone. Please call them.
Also, Pfizer (the company that distributes Aricept) has a wonderful program available to those of lower income. It's called Pfizer for Living Share Card and allows qualified members to purchase Aricept for $15 per month directly from the member's own pharmacy. To learn more visit www.pfizersharecard.com or call them at (800) 459-4156. My mom's insurance didn't cover her Aricept either, but Pfizer did accept her. They also have other drugs available too, such as Zoloft for $15.
Hope this helps. God bless you.