Hello, I am new to this site and looking for lots of answers. My Mom is 63 years old and I am very afraid she has the onset of AD. Although she will not go to the doctors or admit she has a problem. She has severe short term memory loss. She often doesn't realize that she has asked us things ten times or we have just told her what time we are leaving to go somewhere. Just recently she was watching my niece and nephew. We fed them lunch together. Then I left. I came back 1 hour later and she was feeding them lunch again. I said Mom, what are you doing. She said it is lunch time I am feeding them lunch. I said Mom we just fed them chicken nuggets. She said oh yeah. I am not sure if she really remembered or not. My Dad is no longer alive so it is up to my sister and I to take care of her. I don't know what to do , I think I need to get her help, but how. Her health otherwise is very good. Please help me.