From my reading I have come across a very alarming rate of Ad ppl wandering
In 1992 32,000 wandered away from their home or a care facility
Generally IF found within 24 hrs a safe return is more apt to occur
After the first 24 hours goes by and they are not found the survival rate DROPS 46%
There are many things that can be done to help with this at the home
Install locks on all doors and windows......
Consider putting up fences / cannot keep them in all day when weather is nice
Consider Alarms
There are also motion detectors that will let you know when loved one gets up and out of bed ...
*Also pressure scan mats that are like normal mats but will let you know if loved on is trying to head out the door
Erect gates and even the child guards that we use for toddlers to have safety at stairs
Safe Return Bracelets can be gotten from the AD society and see what they consist of
The ones we have here we normally do put on DOMINANT hand so it cannot be removed
Dress them in Bright Colors
Keep all keys up and away so thy cannot get to them....
Constant wanderers is a great risk factor for them for sure and above is a few things to help with that
Recommended books thru HW Resources
Elder Rage .....Take My Father Please
How to Survive caring for Aging Parents
See resources for more info on this please
Will post more I have questions into the Alzheimer's Society and just waiting for them to call me tomorrow