Hi. My name is Kristin and I'm 38 years old and have Lupus of the central nervous system. Two or so years ago, I came down with severe dementia. I couldn't even remember who my children were at that time and lost them for a year. I think it was a year ago, I was diagnosed with Alzheimer's and given Aricept. My memory has been getting better but I still get lost on my street sometimes and need to make notes of everything (and then loose the notes). Still it has improved greatly as I can cook, work part-time (it is hard though), clean and care for my children. I can make decisions now but still get real confused, frustrated and anxious if more than one thing needs my attention at any given time.
My question is whether or not the doctors could have misdiagnosed me since I am much improved. From what I read Alzheimer's doesn't start quickly then gets better years later. This is confusing to me. That and I am too young for the disease.
Was hoping maybe someone could shed some light on what may have happened to me and/or why I am getting better. Should I get retested?
I've kind of ignored these questions for a long time because what was going on was scary. I was told I did all these odd things like set the stove on fire, put mail, etc. in the refridgerator, kick people or hide when I was confused, etc. I feel real bad about that and that they had to put up with me and I scared my kids. I don't want it to happen again. So I am hoping to find a more logical answer for what is going on.
I would appreciate any thoughts you may have. This is a very upsetting thing for me to talk about still. Thanks - Kristin