Regarding eyes, I use the bold too when my eyes are tired. Some of us have old eyes, lol. I know if I watch TV for a couple of hours and then use the computer things appear blurry and I make types too.
I think it is time for new glasses but they are so expensive now and I am retired.
All four times I found out I was pregnant I would tell myself in 9 months this will be behind me..............joke was on me. 3 of my children were 10 month babies. Even the Dr. said your just a 10 monther. Hey I never read that in Dr. Spock's book.
I am glad the Klonopin is working for you. I know the Valium works for me
Congratulations, Hurrah and Kudos to you, you have seen the devil and you have beat him...........I am so happy for you and proud of you for sharing your success with us.
You know when we look back, the past often seems like it was a bit happier, we were younger and we forget the hardtime memories.
I have great faith in your ability to build happiness into your life and please keep posting here. There is much support in this forum..