We are sisters and live in Australia, both in distress with hives as specified on your site. Blisters on toes, hands, mouth, eyelids, stomach area, upper and lower arms, back of ears, back of necks, throat and chins. Both of us are oldies, lol, and have been on the diets specified by Allergy Specialists as well as physicians and notwithstanding the odd alternative health stint. With a severe diet, (and nothing pre-prepared that has a hint of a number) prednisone and anti-histamines, not driving, (gripping the steering wheel gives welts between the fingers) we were able to keep it to a level where the thought of jumping off the nearest bridge was held at bay. We now know of many children in Austalia that are having huge problems with food allergies and intolerances.
Apart from the fact that we are sisters by birth, we are not alike, eat differently, drink differently, she is tall,I am short, I have white hair, she is grey even different weights and careers, live in different towns. Now my sister has a real problem as the hives are turning into bruises/bleeding under the skin and the wait to get into a specialist is abominably long. If this condition is worldwide, as it appears to be, why is something not done about it. I would even agree to be a guinea pig for treatments to save others from this hot, itchy painful hell.