Hey peoples,
Now the first thing you NEED to understand is that Im not against Benzo treatment per se however I have a girlfriend involved in "Narcotics Anonymous" and she is having a tough time because she has thought that she was clean according to her not using "methampthetamine" but the fellowship of Narcotics Anonymous endorses living completely clean without any narcotics and a Benzo is classified as a narcotic. She uses them for anxiety/panic disorder but then again to be honest Im not sure if theres a legit reason being I dont know if she has tried to use non-narcotics and most therapists reccomend this method for those in "recovery" (12 step program)
I also have heard recently that the correct use of the drug would be to use them ONLY when needed in other words her script every month should not be taken except when absolutely neccessary and she uses the entire script every month if needed or not.
Now please dont think I am trying to be a Dr here I got this onformation from Dr's that are more familiar with this than I being I have no real experience with this type of drug AND my only real concern is this girl and the fear that when she finds that they wont consider her "clean" from ALL drugs that it could do her more harm and she will feel she has failed when in fact Im not sure that she has ever gotten the corect information in the first place. This Narcotics Anonymous teaches "abstinence from ALL drugs" and THAT is the "marker" that they use to measure a persons success.
Has anyone ever tried or does anyone have any experience of using Benzo's in Narcotics Anonymous or have you been involved with them and allowed to keep your clean time? <the marker I mentioned>
Like I said I have no clue about this but it would seem funny to me that she would need the script everyday myself.
Thanx for your input b4-hand!