Hi hibiscus.......welcome to HW.
I'm exaclty like you! Anxiety since I was 19 (am 42 now), don't like to travel, like to go out, but like to come home in a few hours.
I've been up and down with anxiety where I have not left the house in 7 months to going away on vacation for 2 weeks.
Control = anxiety. I think everyone who suffers from anxiety has a desperate need for control. I'm not really on any meds or ever have been, but do take xanax as needed.
It's great that you found a med that works for you.
When you said "I had a guy on another site tell me that letting himself feel the anxiety to the max makes it go away the fastest. I tried it , it seemed to work, but isn't for everybody"
I agree and made an entire thread about this. When I embrace my anxiety, it dicipates and I can function. This is a method I would love to teach everyone who suffers panic because it truly works.
Welcome and I look forward to seeing more of your posts