-You look for the nearest escape route everywhere you go.
ALWAYS-You wonder if anyone would notice if you locked yourself in the bathroom at your own party.
THOUGHT about IT ONCE...-You carry an industrial size bottle of hand sanitizer with you wherever you go
....YES..-You have to mentally prep yourself for three days before going to pick up milk at the grocery store.
NOT FOR MILK, BUT TO GO SOMEWHERE, YES. -You envy your pets because they don't have to leave the house.
I DO. ITS SO SIMPLE FOR THEM. -Immediately upon waking you check to make sure every part of your body feels normal. If your toe hurts you panic for the rest of the day and call in sick.
I DONT CHECK, BUT I ALWAYS NOTICE IF ANY PART OF ME HURTS AND HOW I FEEL! -You're pretty sure the receptionist at your doctor's office hates you.
no.-You sit at work and write lists because your anxiety has wreaked havoc on your concentration and you're pretty sure you have ADD now too.
yes.-You leave a cart full of groceries because the check out line is too long.
nah-You let your hair grow ridiculously long because you're sure awful things will happen if you sit in that chair.
no.-You suffer through horrible headaches because you're sure that if you take a painkiller it will kill you.
im afraid to take painkillers because i think they will mess with my stomach...i just go on with the headache...-When you do take a pill, any pill, you cut it in half, and sometimes in quarters, just to make sure you're not taking too much.
only when i take more than the recommended dose(because the recommended does absolutely nothing for me..)-When someone's talking to you, they have no idea that while you're looking at them and nodding, you're not hearing one word they're saying because all you can think of is "how do I get out of here?"
-You take a shower and do your hair because you don't want the paramedics who are going to pick up your dead body to comment that you smell and look awful.i sometimes worry about what im wearing! just in case something happens....
-You read this thread and nod knowingly.yes.