My name is Catherine Lynn. I'm 25 years old. I also have a post on the Ulcerative Colitis too. I have been pretty much traumitized from my hospital experience with my UC, and for that, I have had bad anxiety and some PTSD and depression. I was having crying spells, but had tried Ativan. I don't have crying spells anymore. Now I take Ativan at night, but was trying to taper it down, 1/2 mg to 1 mg doses. I know you can't really stay on Ativan for long periods of time (atleast that's what doctors told me) . I had just started Paxil last week, and was wondering if anyone else is on that drug. I had been on Prozac and Zoloft in the past, but the Prozac made me angry and the Zoloft made me too apethetic. My family has a history with anxiety, depression, panic, etc. It's gotten worse for me recently. I'm currently on Predisone 20mg. plus the Paxil 20mg. plus Ativan.... and I can't sleep at night. I don't know if it's from all the meds or what. I'm even lightheaded and dizzy, don't know if it's side effects from Predisone or maybe Paxil, but I can't walk into a store without feeling like I'm going to pass out. It's probably in part my anxiety, but I feel like I need to know where the exits are just in case I need to get out right at that moment. It's like my head is disconnected from my body. I don't feel like I'm all there. I'm afraid now to walk into stores, because of the bright lights and floors, and openness, and the people. I feel like I'm going to pass out in the store and cause a scene. It's ruining my life, but I hope the Paxil will work. Does anyone else feel that way about being out? I'm also jittery and nervous... possibly more side effects?