I am feeling miserable, and I don't know what to do.
First of all, I am under a lot of stress. My husband has a serious heart condition and can't have a needed heart transplant because he has 100% antibodies in his blood. I don't know what is going to happen.
My friend died three weeks ago and I feel bad about that.
Anyway, for about two months, I have had bouts of nausea that would last for a day and I couldn't eat for a few days after. I also have hot/cold flashes, crying spells, bloating and indigestion.
I have been on Lexapro for many years. Two years ago, a doctor changed me back to Zoloft which I was on for years before the Lexapro. I got really sick and had to be changed back to the Lexapro because the doctor said the zoloft wasn't working.
Now I am having all these symptoms and I wonder if my medicine isn't working good.
I have been to many doctors and even had a brain MRI. They thought my nausea was from an ear infection, they thought I had stomach trouble.
Oddly enough, when I took xanax, I felt better. I just don't want to live on xanax.
So, I'm wondering if anxiety is causing all this.
I don't know what to do. I see a counselor and she helps, but it isn't enough sometimes.
Can antidepressant meds stop working?
My friend was also on lexapro, and her doctor changed her to Cymbalta.
Does any of this sound familiar?
I just don't know if I should go back to my doctor..he probably will think I'm a hypochondriac.
Please tell me what you think.