I post over at the Ulcerative colitis board, and have made many posts over the last two years regarding the connection between OCD spectrum and autoimmune conditions. There are many links on the web and studies available, which I could send to anyone who was interested.
I myself had been curious as 1. I had strep throat very frequently growing up, 2. In my twenties suddenly I went through a period of what I would classify as OCD symptoms (and anxiety) which ran into 3. developing Ulcerative Colitis.
From my understanding, with something called PANDAS, strep infection ends up attacking a part of the brain, basal ganglia and is hypothesized to cause OCD in at least some group. Well, I had come across a treatment for OCD called Intravenous Immunoglobulin or IvIg, and had wondered if there was a similar treatment for Ulcerative Colitis. Well, from doing some research, apparently there is some type of blood filtering treatment which removes antibodies and antigen-antibody complexes for autoimmune disease called Plasmapheresis.
I decided to post this just to make a point that sometimes there are real physical, organic reasons behind "mental illness" and mood disorders. Anyone who wants to discuss this or knows more, feel free to look me up on the Healingwell Ulcerative Colitis Forum.
What I really want to know is why this is never discussed in the media, and good luck finding a medical doctor, counselor, or psychiatrist that 1. Understands what we're talking about or 2. Cares to hear it.
Meanwhile here are a few links having to do with OCD as autoimmune disease:
Another Healingwell thread in this forum on this topic:
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