I ended up ordering 'Panic away' when i was feeling so desparate i didnt know what else to do!!
It cost quite a bit of money but i didnt care at the time. Personally i did not think it was a miracle cure at all and felt that it preyed a bit on ppl when they are feeling desparate!
There are some good tips in there but nothing i didnt really know before, if you are like me i have trawled the internet for info in helping my anxiety and most of the stuff i have found over the years are in the panic away programme. You might be better to get a book by Claire weekes as alot of panic away is taken from her info released in book and cd form and is cheaper.....just a suggestion.
Most of the tips include, relaxation......which on their site they say its not about that!! and writing down your thoughts each morning and also some info on EFT (tapping your neuro pathways etc)
I hope you find some helpful nfo and i hope this post may have helped you, if you want to contact me am here to talk to if you wish.
Best wishes