Hello Mike,
Glad to have you with us. :)
I am sorry this is happening to you but obviously you are a victim of psycholgical harrassment. He is looking to hurt you on purpose even thow he is just running at the mouth. This does not sound like a person you want to get into any kind of verabal debate with as you are planning to move. Once you have moved he will also be removed from your life.
For now take care of you and don't spend a lot of time trying to figure out how to out talk him. He has a lot of practice and you have anxiety. Pick your battles carefully and this may be one to let go of. Just walk away and do not give him the time of day. Do not let his words goad you into anger.
The key to switching out of an anxiety state is to accept it fully. Remaining in the present and accepting your anxiety cause it to disappear.
Accept the anxiety. Welcome it. Don’t fight it. Replace your rejection, anger, and hatred of it with acceptance. By resisting, you’re prolonging the unpleasantness of it. Instead, flow with it. Don’t make it responsible for how you think, feel, and act.
Watch your anxiety. Look at it without judgment – not good, not bad. Rate it on a 0-to-10 scale and watch it go up and down.
Be detached. Remember, you’re not your anxiety. The more you can separate yourself from the experience, the
more you can just watch it.
Act with the anxiety. Act as if you aren’t anxious. Function with it. Slow down if you have to, but keep going. Breathe slowly and normally. If you run from the situation your anxiety will go down, but your fear will go up. If you stay, both your anxiety and your fear will go down.
Repeat the steps. Continue to accept your anxiety, watch it, and act with it until it goes down to a comfortable level. And it will. Just keep repeating these three steps: accept, watch, and act with it.
Expect the best. What you fear the most rarely happens. Recognize that a certain amount of anxiety is normal. By expecting future anxiety you’re putting yourself in a good position to accept it when it comes again.
When this toxic person starts in just let his thoughts in and recognize them as stinkin thoughts and kick the thoughts to the curb.
I see happiness in your future.
Welcome to the best A & P forum on the net, you have just joined a wonderful family who will support you and care for you.
May you have peace within,