Thanks everyone for your input. I really appreciate it. This site has made a difference, I find alot of people don't have a problem answering your questions or concerns. I tried other sites and found it hard to comunicate with others. They kinda had a click thing going on between themselves. Anyhow to answer a few of your comments , I don't take meds for anxiety any longer, xanax was not a great thing for me so I stopped after an year and half, lexapro put me in the ER with a bad reaction. So I am staying away from meds for now, I have sensativity to alot of meds, and a bit of a fear of them. I wanted to let Kitt know that quiting my job, and using the anxiety as an excuse is the right excuse for me, anxiety as we all know is one tough condition and if I can ease that by leaving my job, I quess then I am doing that. I woke up this morning didn't go to work, knew I wasn't gonna go and felt so much calmer. I got really sick while working there, so the constant reminder is driving my anxiety up. So since I'll be home, I think I may buy a meditation cd, join a gym, and maybe pretend I'm Martha Stewart. lol. Got to laugh at something. Seriously going to join a gym, and buy a meditation cd, I'm going to see doc next week will ask about
CBT. I would like to try it out. By the way, reading the post and hearing the answers in this forum is uplifting to me. I can relate . holly